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News about the organization.

The Supreme Court and the VRA

As we celebrate the progress made toward recognizing the rights of our LGBT members and allies, let us not forget that a grave injustice has been done this week to our members and allies who have lost the protection of Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act.  Shame on the Supreme Court for opening the door for the suppression of the right of people of color to vote.  We support a Constitutional Amendment to guarantee a fair, free and accessible right to vote for every citizen of voting age in this country. Read more about The Supreme Court and the VRA »

President’s Corner

The HUUmanists Association has experienced another year of accomplishment in our quest to be a stronger voice for reason and compassion in Unitarian Universalism and in our society at large.  In addition, we have broadened the scope of our vision by seeking to become a bridge to Unitarian Universalism for secular individuals and others who presently have no formal religious affiliation.  To these ends, our extraordinary officers and Board of Directors, made up of Humanist scholars, ministers, and lay leaders, have clarified and focused our Mission

The Humanist Unitarian Universalist (HUUmanists) Association is committed to Humanist principles of reason, compassion, and human fulfillment enumerated in the Humanist Manifestos and in the seven Principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association.  We seek (1) to promote a broad acceptance of Humanism in our society, particularly throughout the Unitarian Universalist Association and its congregations, and (2) to provide an active interface between Unitarian Universalists and the secular community. Read more about President’s Corner »

In Search of UU Humanist Local Groups

Do you belong to a Humanist local group or do you wish there was one in your area?

We are attempting to create a list of all local groups that are either affiliated in some way with a UU congregation or that wish to reach out to UUs and get them involved. You can read more about the Local Groups project and see the current list by visiting the Local Groups page of this website.

If you are a group organizer, please add your group to the list by following the instructions on the website.  Being listed doesn't make you part of HUUmanists in any way, but it does show you acknowledge and support our mission to strengthen Humanism in the UUA and help us be a bridge between the secular community and the UU community.

If there is no Humanist group at your UU congregation or in your area, why not start one? At the link above you will also find resources for local groups, including an email list for organizers to seek and share advice.  (See the Seeding Humanist Groups article.) Read more about In Search of UU Humanist Local Groups »

Seeding Humanist Groups

From Pat Everett, admin of the "Seeding" Humanist Groups email list:

The "Seeding" Humanist Groups email list was launched at the 2011 UUA GA, and now has 70 members.  The aim is to share ideas and enthusiasm for seeding new Humanist groups across the country, generally out of existing UU congregations, perhaps also in other ways. Join at

The Concord Area Humanists (CAH), formed four years ago in Concord, Mass, is now successful enough to propose as a possible model, but not as a limitation.  Those in CAH will also be looking for new ideas to improve its performance and help it grow further.  Read more about Seeding Humanist Groups »

Help Us Tell MA Gov. Deval Patrick & Melissa Rogers: Healing Must Be For Everyone

Please read, sign and share this petition, hosted at Groundswell:

Help Us Tell MA Gov. Deval Patrick & Melissa Rogers: Healing Must Be For Everyone

The Boston Marathon bombing was an event that effected all Americans, so there was no justification for excluding the representatives of the Harvard Humanists and the Secular Coalition for Massachusetts who asked to be included. Given that one fifth of the population is non-religious and that President Obama was there representing our secular government, there should have been a place made for the Humanist and atheist community.

I have signed the petition on behalf of the HUUmanists and encourage all of you to add your support. Read more about Help Us Tell MA Gov. Deval Patrick & Melissa Rogers: Healing Must Be For Everyone »

Congratulations, Stefan Jonasson

The HUUmanists Association is happy to congratulate one of our board members, Stefan Jonasson, for being awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal by his home country of Canada.

Deanne Crothers, MLA for St. James, with Stefan Jonasson after the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal presentation ceremony

We enjoyed Stefan's Facebook announcement when he was told he was to receive the award: Read more about Congratulations, Stefan Jonasson »

Ribbons Not Walls

Ribbons Not Walls is the title of two related Social Justice projects that will be featured at the HUUmanists General Assembly booth in Louisville this coming June.  You are invited to participate in either or both.  Read more about Ribbons Not Walls »

Meadville Lombard Announces Humanist Archive

Chicago, IL, February 18, 2013 – Meadville Lombard Theological School announced today the formation of a dedicated Humanist Archive. Meadville Lombard is calling on Unitarian Universalists and Humanists to donate sermons, monographs, essays, photographs, correspondence, pamphlets, audio, video, and books to the collection. The details of the announcement may be found on the Meadville Lombard website.

Latest Journal of Religious Humanism

Attendees at the UU Minister's Association biennial institute in January each received a copy of the latest issue - titled "Humanism and Ministry." Many UU clergy, especially those whose training and experience come in part from other religious traditions, have little knowlege of humanism as practiced in the congregations of the UUA, and little in the way of a track record ministering to humanists.  With roughly half of the 160,000 adult UUs identifying with or sympathizing with humanism, it's important to offer them exposure to the wide range of values, inclinations and needs of such a significant portion of their congregants. Read more about Latest Journal of Religious Humanism »

President's Corner

The HUUmanists Association experienced a very productive and rewarding Justice GA last June, featuring a keynote address by Bill Murry on “Economic Justice: A Moral Imperative for UU Humanists” and a hugely successful “Book SmUUggling” project in the exhibition hall. See Roger Brewin’s GA Booth summary later in this Newsletter.

Summary of our annual membership meeting, held on June, 22, 2012

Our treasurer, Greg Seaman, reviewed our successful program to bring our revenue and expenditures into balance through cost reductions and increased paid membership. Our budget for the 2012-2013 fiscal year projects a surplus of $2,000. Read more about President's Corner »


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