From the Greater Worcester Humanists' Meetup event page:
Our special guest, Michael Werner is with us for a second evening to talk about his recent book "Regaining Balance: The Evolution of the UUA" (you can purchase it by clicking on the title).
The author will detail the cultural, philosophical and political history of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) especially in regards to Humanism and critical thinking. The evolution of the UUA from a focus on reason in religion to one of radical tolerance is described along with the loss on membership. Culturally important factors such as postmodernism, process theology, second wave feminism, value theory, new age, theological education, the “religious redefinition” game, population dynamics, and the age of narcissism in religion are brought together to show how multiple interacting forces have led to the UUA to ideological extremes of indiscriminate pluralism. The secular revolution is then described and possible solutions for the UUA going forward will be presented.
Mike has worked in many Humanist /Atheist / Freethought organizations and much of his life has revolved around progressive activism. He has been President of the American Humanist Association, Vice President of the Unitarian Universalist Humanist group, taught widely at major universities, was one of the founders of SMART Recovery and much, much more!
This program starts at 7pm, but as always, you are welcome to arrive and mingle around 6:30 PM.
Please consider a donation at the door.