The meeting will start at 7:00 with socializing and a few announcements. The program will start at 7:15, after which we will have open discussion with the presenter followed by more socializing. At 9:00 we usually have an open steering committee meeting which anyone is invited to attend.
We ask for a donation of $5 to help pay for the room rental.
Reclaiming the Humanist Vision
It's been nearly eighty years since an intrepid band of ministers and scholars issued A Humanist Manifesto, fifteen affirmations about religious humanism. Many people have clung to their old ways in religion while a growing number have abandoned religion altogether. Yet the daring vision of these humanist pioneers reminds us that human spirituality can be both reasonable and relevant.
Rev. Stefan Jonasson is Director of Growth Strategies for the Unitarian Universalist Association. Based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, he consults with UU congregations across the continent. A former president of Friends of Religious Humanism (now HUUmanists, for which he is a current board member), he is an outspoken advocate for a vibrant Humanism within Unitarian Universalism and in society at large.