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The UU Humanists' Blog is a curated blog -- this means we highly encourage members and those with an interest in Humanism within the Unitarian Universalist tradition to submit articles for publication. The blog is curated so we may negotiate edits for clarity or length and we reserve the right to not publish every submitted article.

This means that the blog's content reflects the diversity of the opinions of the authors and is not just the "official party line" of the Association. As Humanists, we welcome diversity of opinion and encourage civil discourse through comments on these posts and on our social media pages. 

Happy Humanist New Year!

Happy humanist new year!

What's a humanist new year, you ask? Any year where you are part of connecting the human family and honoring human worth, of course. We are grateful for the end of year gifts we have received from many of you, investing in the work we share and in the future of humanism within the UUA and beyond it.

If you haven't made a gift and you'd like to, please click below or send a check. And you can give us an additional gift, by sharing with a friend why you support the UUHA and inviting them to become a member.


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Thank you for all you do to support the UUHA!

The Rev. Amanda Poppei

President, UU Humanist Association Read more about Happy Humanist New Year! »

A Letter from UUHA President Amanda Poppei

Dear UUHA members,

Happy humanist holidays!

I love the holiday season—even with all the potential challenge for a humanist in sorting through family religious obligations, one’s own relationship to the Christmas story, or how to schedule both a HumanLight celebration and a solstice party on the same day. At the congregation that I serve, the Washington Ethical Society, we start the holiday season with a Stone Soup service and then have a totally over-the-top, elaborate, cookie-and-music-filled Winter Festival the second or third weekend in December. And when all that wraps up, I turn my attention to my family’s holiday plans!

Your own holiday season may be busy or calm, at home or away...but I hope that whatever it is, it gives you time to reflect on what is most important to you. And I hope that supporting UU humanists and spreading humanism far and wide are among those values!

We are thinking about that spreading part especially, even imagining (dare we say it?!) what humanist evangelism might look like. Keep an eye out for our next journal, which will feature “elevator pitches” about UU humanism and humanism in general. Read more about A Letter from UUHA President Amanda Poppei »

Join the UUHA at This Year’s UUA General Assembly!

Not even a month remains until General Assembly 2019, the annual meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association, convenes in Spokane Washington. GA continually ranks among the year’s most vital gatherings of members within the UU religious community.

And the UU Humanist Association cannot wait to be there.

The UUHA plans to offer attendees a series of exciting programs and exhibitions, each of them demonstrating the value of Humanism within the UU tradition. If you plan to be in Spokane between June 19 and June 23, we would love to meet you! Here’s where you can find us:


PANEL: “Whose Humanism Anyway? Answers from the Humanist Collaboratory”

When: Thursday, June 20; 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Where: Davenport Grand — Ballroom A Read more about Join the UUHA at This Year’s UUA General Assembly! »

Vanessa Gomez Brake to Receive UU Humanist Person of the Year Award

The Unitarian Universalist Humanist Association is pleased to announce the 2019 recipient of the UUHA Person of the Year Award. This year the UUHA has chosen to award Vanessa Gomez Brake, Associate Dean of Religious Life at the University of Southern California.

Vanessa receives this award with the distinction of being the first Humanist chaplain at an American university to serve as an Associate Dean. As her USC profile details, Vanessa “works to support and promote university religious and spiritual life broadly conceived, and helps oversee more than ninety student religious groups and fifty religious directors on campus.” Read more about Vanessa Gomez Brake to Receive UU Humanist Person of the Year Award »

Help Us Fulfill Our Vision! A Message from our New President

Dear UU Humanist Members and Friends, 

Happy December!

I'm so honored to be the incoming president of the Unitarian Universalist Humanist Association Board, and I'm excited to share with you a little bit of my vision. But I have to start with thanks‐‐to outgoing president David Breeden, who suggested that I move into this position; to the previous president John Hooper, who recruited me for the Board in the first place; and to all my fellow Board members. You can see their names listed at the bottom of this letter‐‐they represent different parts of the country, they are lay and ordained, they are longtime UU Humanists and new to the movement, and every one of them is fantastic. Read more about Help Us Fulfill Our Vision! A Message from our New President »


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