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News about the organization.

Phoenix underground library opening

On the last day of the 2012 General Assembly meeting all of the banned books smUUggled into Phoenix were donated to Librotraficante, to be used to launch Librotraficante’s fifth underground library, located at the office of the community organization Puente in Phoenix.   And cash donated to the HUUmanists for Librotraficante was given to the project to buy more books.


Packing up books at the exhibition hall

A grand opening of the underground library at Puente was held on Sunday evening.  The books were made available for lending.  Thirty-six were borrowed in the first hour.  John Hooper and Roger Brewin represented HUUmanists at the celebration, which included readings from the banned books by young people, skits, music, food, and poetry.  Roger addressed the attendees and voiced the continued support of the underground library movement by HUUmanists Asscociation. Read more about Phoenix underground library opening »

smUUggler's project at GA

Arizona has banned books used in teaching in Arizona public schools that advocate the overthrow of the government, which has been applied to ethnic studies in a devastating way.  Arizona House Bill 2281 was created to prohibit teaching courses in Mexican American Studies, although it can be applied to any ethnic group.  The Tucson school system closed the entire K through 12 Mexican American Studies program in order to comply with this bill, and removed some 83 books from the curriculum.

Many of the books banned were on the reading lists of teachers in the Mexican American Studies program in Tucson, and include such radical books as Thoreau’s Walden, Shakespeare’s The Tempest, and books by celebrated authors such as Isabel Allende and Howard Zinn. Read more about smUUggler's project at GA »

Recent HUUmanists Activities

We HUUmanists have accomplished a lot this year in our quest to be a stronger voice for reason and compassion in Unitarian Universalism and in our society at large. Let me bring you up to date:

HUUmanists Association was enthusiastically accepted as a full member organization of the Secular Coalition for America at the SCA Annual Board meeting last January. By joining the other ten freethinking organizations we gain the opportunity to leverage our activities in defense of First Amendment principles. In turn, our partner organizations in SCA will benefit from the synergy of joining forces with thousands of Unitarian Universalists for whom the separation of church and state is a moral imperative. As specific issues emerge, I’ll be calling on you to add your voice to our efforts. Read more about Recent HUUmanists Activities »


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