RELIGIOUS HUMANISM JOURNAL: Call for Submissions - "Humanist Work and Communities, A Compendium"

News about the organization.
Humanist writer and activist Luciano Gonzalez-Vega will join the UUHA for a conversation about their life, work, and vision for an active and action-oriented humanism in the year ahead. Luciano’s writing about the intersections of religion, freethought, and culture has been prominently featured in The Humanist and OnlySky media. They also served as co-chair of the Latinx Humanist alliance, and have been affiliated with the Secular Latino Alliance and Hispanic American Freethinkers.
We will have a chance to learn about Luciano’s own religious roots and journey to atheism and humanism, their emphasis on humanism that centers service and social justice, and interest in the potential of congregational humanism and humanist chaplaincy, among other topics. All are welcome to join us via Zoom for a discussion and Q&A.
Please RSVP on Facebook, or join us directly using the Zoom Login instruction below. Read more about ZOOM DISCUSSION: Active Humanism - A Conversation with Luciano Gonzalez-Vega THIS FRIDAY »
Dear UUHA Members,
We hope 2022 has held plenty of moments of joy for you and your family; perhaps getting to gather again for the holidays as we emerge from the long pandemic and the isolation it brought to many of us, perhaps enjoying new traditions and making new memories together. We hold lightly, in community, any pain that has touched your life. Read more about Please Support the UUHA in the New Year »
“How We Live Out Our Humanism, Part II” Vol 50 #1 of the journal Religious Humanism, will be available to UUHA members, mid-December, 2022.
“I was in philosophy class … when the professor asked how many of us believed we could have a moral world without Christianity. I alone raised my hand,” writes Beth Lefever, “and then said that I didn’t believe Jesus would be a Christian were he here today. I was not very popular in my (conservative) northern Indiana university,” she adds, beginning a heart-felt account of her journey to UU Humanism and to parish ministry.
“The number one question for me, as a Secular Humanist, has been what should my role be in an organization that, while seeking to help the Mosou (one of the last remaining matriarchal societies, in a remote region of China) will inevitably change them, also.” John Lombard explains how the humanist value of choice allows him to grant agency without telling the Mosou what to do or how to do it. Read more about “How We Live Out Our Humanism, Part II” Vol 50 #1 of the journal Religious Humanism, will be available to UUHA members, mid-December, 2022. »
We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest edition of the UUHA's official publication, the Journal of Religious Humanism. Paid UUHA members should receive a digital copy of the journal via email today.
Our latest issue of the journal is "How We Live Out Our Humanism"
In this issue we prompt our superb contributors to “tell us about your Humanist group’s community service, or an unusual family tradition, or an occasional gathering of friends to pursue a common passion, or an individual quest that reflects the best of humanism as you know it.” The results are an eclectic mix of impassioned reports on the work of Humanist communities and social justice organizations, along with deeply personal reflections on family, service to others and the human condition.
Was Tom Flynn right that there is no benefit for humanists and secularists to December celebrations? Jon Cleland Host - who has been celebrating the Winter Solstice with his family for nearly two decades - discussed that question during Sunday's public Zoom presentation, using the reality-based traditions which have both built critical thought, as well as brought joy to his kids year after year. If you missed it, no worries! You can watch the conversation right here.
Jon is a materials scientist who lives in Michigan. A member and active volunteer for UUHA, he authors the blog Naturalistic Paganism.
The discussion is also embedded below:
Read more about VIDEO: Winter Solstice - Reason for the Season! »
We hope all UUHA members enjoyed our most recent edition of the Journal of Religious Humanism. The time has already come for our journal editors to plan for our first issue of the new year. If you have ever been interested in submitting an article for our journal, we have your next opportunity:
Theme for Vol. 49, Issue 2:
We are looking for stories of how your life is impacted by your humanist values - something that you “do” that expresses your humanist identity. Examples might include personal commitments, relationship building, or communal endeavors.
Tell us about your Humanist group’s community service, or an unusual family tradition; an occasional gathering of friends to pursue a common passion, or a solitary quest that reflects the best of humanism as you understand it. Read more about Religious Humanism Journal: Call for Submissions »
This weekend the UU Humanist Association will hold its Annual Meeting. This is one of our organization’s most important events, as it gives the UUHA Board of Directors a chance to meet directly with its membership and it gives members a chance to vote on the proposed UUHA board election slate.
Information on what is expected at our Annual Meetings can be reviewed in the UUHA Bylaws (Article III).
Similar to last year, the 2021 Annual Meeting will be hosted via the Zoom Conferencing Application. We also plan to award our Person of the Year Award to ethical evangelist Jé Exodus Hooper. Read more about UUHA Annual Meeting This Saturday »
The UUA's annual gathering, General Assembly, is starting this week! And the UUHA will be there.
As attendees from all over gather to "worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process," We plan on holding brief sessions in GA's virtual Exhibition Hall every day.
Join us on Zoom for Scheduled Events Here! Read more about General Assembly 2021: How to Join Us »
We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest edition of the UUHA's official publication, the Journal of Religious Humanism. Paid UUHA members should receive a digital copy of the journal via email today.
Our latest issue of the journal is "Doubt and Mystery: A Humanist Calendar."
This issue explores one means of ritualizing those very human emotions—a calendar of humanist holidays—regular opportunities for exploring that difficult but worthwhile goal, linking our appreciation of the mysteries of life and of the Cosmos, with our natural skepticism.