October 2014

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John's Excellent Adventure

At GA in Providence this last June, some brave souls, including UUHA president John Hooper, were invited to Pledge Over the Edge in support of the Rev. Terry Sweetser Fund for Stewardship of the UUA. Here are some pictures of John and his friend from the UUA President's Council, Les Polgar, from California, rappeling down the side of the Providence Convention Center. 

Stepping Off

John Rapelling Start

Half Way

John Rapelling Half Way

They Made It!

John Rapelling End

It's hard to see through the harness, but John (on the right) is modeling his UU Humanist t-shirt. Great job, Les and John! Read more about John's Excellent Adventure »

The Third Way

A few years ago the so-called “new atheists” made headlines attacking belief in God and questioning the value of religion. Some of the books by Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and the late Christopher Hitchens even made best seller lists. There is much to commend these works. They have managed quite well to tear down the edifice of traditional supernatural religious belief, but they have failed to offer anything to take its place. They have lumped all religious perspectives together and denounced them all as intellectually invalid and morally reprehensible.   Read more about The Third Way »