ZOOM DISCUSSION: Active Humanism - A Conversation with Luciano Gonzalez-Vega THIS FRIDAY
Humanist writer and activist Luciano Gonzalez-Vega will join the UUHA for a conversation about their life, work, and vision for an active and action-oriented humanism in the year ahead. Luciano’s writing about the intersections of religion, freethought, and culture has been prominently featured in The Humanist and OnlySky media. They also served as co-chair of the Latinx Humanist alliance, and have been affiliated with the Secular Latino Alliance and Hispanic American Freethinkers.
We will have a chance to learn about Luciano’s own religious roots and journey to atheism and humanism, their emphasis on humanism that centers service and social justice, and interest in the potential of congregational humanism and humanist chaplaincy, among other topics. All are welcome to join us via Zoom for a discussion and Q&A.
Please RSVP on Facebook, or join us directly using the Zoom Login instruction below. Read more about ZOOM DISCUSSION: Active Humanism - A Conversation with Luciano Gonzalez-Vega THIS FRIDAY »